Envision Check Services
Checking a Student Out of School
Early Sign-Out ends at 1:30pm. If you need your student released before 2:05, you must be in the office to sign them out no later than 1:30pm.
- All visitors will check in the front office.
- A picture identification must be shown and verified with the students’ emergency form. (A current car sign may be used in place of a picture ID)
- The student will be called to the office to be dismissed. Students may not be checked out after 1:30 PM.
- Visitors are not permitted to go to classrooms to pick up children.
- If you know you will be checking out a student early, please notify the teacher. This will ensure your student has their belongings with them at the time of check out.
Changing the Way a Student Goes Home
For safety reasons, it is very important that you and your child know how your child gets home daily. It is understandable that in some cases, this must change. When this occurs, the parent must send the teacher a hand-written, dated note that details this change. If a teacher does not receive a note, the child will go home the regular method.
If an emergency arises during the day and a parent must change the manner in which their child goes home, the parent must come in (with picture ID) to the office. The teacher will be notified by the end of the day of the change. This must be done before 1:30 PM.
Rainy Days
Please make sure you have an alternate plan for dismissal during rainy days and the teacher knows the alternate plan. If there is not an alternate plan, your child will go home based on the usual way he/she goes home in the afternoons. During severe weather, walkers will be held at school and only released when the weather improves or a when parent arrives in the office, with their ID or car sign to pick them up.
“An Equal Opportunity School District”
Student Picture Order Form
Notification of Nondiscrimination (English)
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Notification of Nondiscrimination (Spanish)
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.